
Thursday, August 13, 2020

My birthday

For my birthday this year we did a lot of biking and swimming! We also had a great date night courtesy of Lauren. She offered to come babysit the kids on Saturday night so I could get out.

We took a ride on the Capital Trail and Rosie put her arm around Ben at a rest stop. It was adorable. 

Ben and Rosie went up to "nap" together and Chris found them like this in the girls' room.

Eleanor and Jane helped Chris make my cake.

We swam and got caught in an unexpected downpour.

Date night! We rode bikes around Jamestown Island and stopped at Billsburg for the Hungry Pug food truck. A few neighborhood people were there celebrating another birthday and shared their cupcakes with us.

Back at home...

Sunset on the ride...

On the morning of my birthday, Eleanor shared with me a scavenger hunt that she made for me. She had directions to a hiding place in our house where she had tied up a bag of money (a bunch of change from her piggy bank) in a bandanna. It was so sweet. I contributed it to her book fund - she's saving up to buy another illustrated Harry Potter book.

We went to church Sunday morning and Eleanor participated in the sermon illustration.

I also got to enjoy some snuggles throughout the day before heading back to the pool.

A lot of our small group was there that night and we celebrated with brownies! It was so fun! Rosie learned to go off the diving board and the big girls learned hands free dives.

It was a great birthday :)

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Loved so much!!! Make my heart burst. Love Eleanor's gift and the videos are great. Cute picture of the twins in the girls room. Happy birthday!