
Monday, August 3, 2020

VBS Wilderness Escape 2020

Vacation Bible School at our church was very different this year. They handed out craft bags and had live facebook videos with Moses and Malachi. Our theme was Wilderness Escape. The thought was to do it with just your family or small groups as you felt comfortable - so we decided to do it without small group. 

The kids had a blast with the science experiments, making their own butter.

There was a big group picnic one day with all pre-packaged food and socially distanced activities.

The VBS bus and its celebrities drove around visiting everyone's houses during the mornings. Since we were (and always are) at the pool, they came to our neighborhood pool and passed out ice pops to all the kids at the 8 and under swim practice. This was definitely the highlight of Ben's VBS week. He was completely obsessed with the bus. He was obsessed with Eleanor's school bus, too, and I think this was the first time he had actually been inside a bus. I had to bribe him with an ice pop to get him off it and as soon as it was in hand, he was trying to climb back on.

We made a lava lamp with oil, water, food coloring, and alka-seltzer.

We ate together.

On Thursday night they had a live VBS concert outside at our church (also socially distant) - another huge highlight of the week for the kids.

We tie-dyed t-shirts.

And overall played games and had a great time. It was a wonderful week getting together with our small group again, and even met a few new friends! It was very different from last year, but the kids loved it and it was very memorable!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Looks like busy week and so much fun for the kids. You have a BIG small group!