
Friday, September 18, 2020

Jane's birthday

Jane had a fun and exciting day for her birthday.

(My last picture with Jane as a 4 year old!)

She woke up and did her birthday string!

Chris took her out to breakfast at Chick-fil-A and they took it to Kidsburg to play at the playground. 

Then we spent most of the morning playing outside because there were firetrucks and ambulances and trucks all over our street for a gas leak. Ben said, "Lemme go in and get my firetruck!" and then played with it on the street while watching.

We came inside and did minimal school work and worked on Jane's cake.

And then Jane had some friends come over for a party. They had a tea party, played up in the bonus room, crafted, had a dance party, did an obstacle course, played hot potato, and played sardines.

That evening we headed to our church for a family picnic. We got to spend some time with Antelope and Uncle Benny and Bonnie. The whole church sang to Jane for her birthday!

It was a good, but long day! Happy birthday to our sweet Janer. We love you so much!


Dorothy said...

Great day!!! Happy birthday Jane! Love that she had such a special day. Her cake looks sooo good.

Patty said...

These are precious! Gorgeous birthday cake and how sweet the whole church sang to Jane!!