
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Jane is FIVE!

Our sweet Jane turned five years old this month! She weighs about 45 pounds and is just under 45 inches tall (67% of the way to my adult height). She is proving to be a very hard worker and a rule follower, even ratting herself out sometimes if she feels she didn't do things "right." She seems very mature for her age, and is always trying to keep up with the older kids. In fact, most of her friends on swim team this year were a couple years older than her and neither of them knew it. She is reading on a very basic level, but improving every day and also seems to really enjoy math. She loves dancing, riding her bike (she rode 16.5 miles earlier this spring around Jamestown Island!), swimming (she was so upset when swim team ended), and crafting with her sister. She never naps anymore since she and Eleanor share a room and now Eleanor is not at school, so they go up to do "quiet time" together and end up playing for 2 hours in the afternoon. She sleeps from 7:30 - 6:45 though she is often still tired and could probably use the occasional nap.

Jane is quite eloquent, but still can't quite say her "Ls" and "Rs" - they sound more like "Ws." She also makes up tons of words when she doesn't know the right one to say, and usually Chris and I just smile because we generally still know what she's talking about. Other times she just uses the wrong word, and that is cute too. For example, when her cereal gets too soggy she says it's "foggy." Jane's favorite color is turquoise and she wants to be a lifeguard, a ballerina, and a mom when she grows up (same things as her older sister). She also loves her siblings, but seems to have a particularly silly bond with Ben. She still has large emotions, but is slowly (very slowly) getting better at managing them. 

Happy 5th birthday, Jane! We love you so, so much!

Jane at onetwothreefourfive, sixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Jane at twotwo and a halfthree, and four years old.

Eleanor (five) and Jane, each at five:


Dorothy said...

She is a special lovely sweet girl! LOVE her!

Patty said...

Sweet, sweet Jane! I'm glad you had a happy 5th birthday!!