
Friday, October 9, 2020

Field trip Fridays week 3 - Yorktown

All of our Fridays in September were rainy, so we were trying to find partially indoor activities. We ended up going to the Yorktown Museum about the American Revolutionary War time period. Hamilton really made some of this history come alive for me this time around. It was pretty cool, and honestly, not a place I had visited yet even though we've lived here quite awhile. 

There was an outdoor farm...

...sheds of hanging tobacco...

...a battlefield encampment replete with a laundry station...

Did I mention Bonnie came??

A cook fire where the soldiers at the encampment cooked their one meal a day in a giant pot. I pull out this tidbit of knowledge whenever my kids are asking for their 3000th snack of the day.

...a musket demonstration. (You can see Ben and Rosie reaching out catching the rain while they watched.)

...the general's quarters at the encampment...

...a soldier tent - supposed to hold 6 soldiers.

Inside in the museum was the liberty tree.

A fun hologram type thing that showed the crest of England alternating with the seal of the United States.

Play break with Bonnie...

Jane marched with the soldiers in the revolution.

And we watched a short film on the Revolutionary War.

Overall it was really a great museum - very well done. I am pretty surprised that I hadn't been there before, but we will definitely check it out again at some point in the future.