
Monday, October 26, 2020

Jane's stitches

Jane ran into the corner of her desk this month and ended up needing stitches. I was hoping just for glue, but the wound wasn't approximated enough, so they ended up having to put 3 stitches in. You better believe me when I say that Jane was super courageous and brave despite being super scared. Don't look too close if you don't like injuries. We are all just extremely thankful it wasn't closer to her eye than it was.

She was also very brave when I took her stitches out. It is healing quite nicely, so hopefully the scar won't be too significant. We are very proud of our sweet Jane for handling the situation so well!


Dorothy said...

Oh brave girl! They did a good job with the stitches. Sorry Jane!

Patty said...

Sweet Jane, we're so proud of how brave you were!! We love you!