
Friday, October 23, 2020

Field trip Fridays week 5 - Virginia Beach

 Another field trip day we took our bikes down to Virginia Beach to get around for the day. The kids played in the sand, on the dunes, and in the water (not all the way in, just at the edge). 

A lifeguard asked if Rosie belonged to me, because someone on the boardwalk was reporting her as a "stray." She didn't have clothes on (because they got wet) and was playing a little ways away from Ben. It was definitely interesting.

We found an outdoor "gym." It was all fun and games until Ben threw a rock at Rosie's head and gave her a goose egg.

We ate lunch.


We found kid-friendly playgrounds.

We took pictures at the Neptune statue.

And we biked all the way down to both ends of the boardwalk. The round trip total was about 6 miles. We found so many more places to play! We're going to have to make another trip!

We had a great time and would love to go back soon!


Dorothy said...

Such cute pictures! Love the twins with their hands in the air. Those videos!! E did a great job. I had no idea there was so much to do in a day there. Looks like the weather was nice too! The girls look so grown up on those bikes:)

Patty said...

Such great pics and memories of our days there when Chris was younger! Love the playground pics and I'm so impressed with Eleanor's strength! What a great boardwalk for biking!