
Friday, November 13, 2020

Field Trip Fridays week 8 - Richmond and Belle Isle

The last Friday Chris took off from work and we headed up to Richmond to visit Chris' sister Ashleigh. She has a super cute little house downtown with sweet roommates and we started out there taking a tour of her place.

It was cold, but all week it had been predicting rain and the rain held off, so we felt very lucky! We headed over to Belle Isle to walk around. 

We "hiked" around a loop around the island. I couldn't believe the twins made it the whole way without riding in the stroller.

We found a little spot for the kids to eat some lunch.

Chris climbed way up to the top - you can see him above the kids in the pictures above or this one below.

There was a little pond/quarry area.

Some old machinery.

And even after we finished the path around the island, the kids kept hiking.

We found an abandoned oil house.

And all told, they walked 3 miles!

Thanks for showing us around Ashleigh!

We all headed over to Triple Crossing Brewery for a drink and some food for the grown ups.

Then Ashleigh showed us a cool playground that was set up on a hill and had an amazing view of the city to play on before we had to head back home.

 It was a really fun day and we had a great time hanging out! One of my favorite "field trips!"

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Impressive walking for the twins. What a treat to have Chris and Ashleigh for the day. Looks like fun!