
Monday, December 21, 2020

Field trip Fridays - Virginia Living Museum

We live fairly close to the Virginia Living Museum but have never gone. Our friends invited us last week so we decided to go on Friday. It was really fun! There was an aquarium/ocean part that Ben was very engrossed with.

Rosie encountered a shark and an eel.

The girls saw otters outside.

And we looked at some dinosaurs, including this Apatosaurus femur that was as tall as me!

I also took this picture of the kids with Santa hanging out in the background because I wasn't sure if we'd see Santa this year!

Everyone had a great time...I think we'll check this place out again sometime!

Ben and Rosie playing chase around the baby shark tank :)

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I remember how you kids loved the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Interesting day!