
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ben and Rosie are silly

Just a few pictures of Rosie and Ben to keep you abreast of the fact that life is still very interesting with two three year olds. Rosie continues to remain incredibly stubborn. The other day she took all her clothes into the bathroom to get dressed "by myself" and then was screaming and crying because she got her shirt stuck on her head. I came in to find her like this, and she still wouldn't let me help. She is fascinating.

Ben's world is still vehicles. On his turn, he picked the movie Cars to watch, and got himself all set up on the sheet with all the cars and trucks he could find in his lap so he was ready to watch.

The twins' new favorite game is hide and seek. Occasionally they actually have gotten rather good at certain aspects, like staying quiet while hiding, not shouting out their location, Rosie actually keeps her eyes closed while she counts, even! But there are other aspects they are still learning, like not hiding in the same spot over and over, and getting themselves fully covered. This one was pretty cute!


LA-jan said...

Ha! They are the cutest!!

Dorothy said...

Adorable hiding!