
Monday, February 15, 2021

Homeschool continues

School has been continuing well after winter break. We had a bad month of January in terms of motivation. Chris had two Mondays off of work, we had snow on a Thursday and didn't end up doing school, and several of our friends had COVID, so outdoor field trips and play dates kind of ended for awhile. Thankfully, things picked up in February and we got through the slump. The girls have particularly been loving science - we've been doing a unit on our solar system so they are learning about the planets (among other things).

This experiment was to show planets' relative size. Don't let the "globe" pillow fool you - that's not earth. If you can see, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are all those tiny balls of clay that are barely visible. Jupiter is represented by the earth globe, followed by Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The sizes aren't exact, but decently to scale!

This experiment was to determine planets' relative distances from the sun. As you can see, the terrestrial planets and asteroid belt are all relatively close. You can't even see the labels for the last three planets unless you look closely. We barely had room inside the house to conduct this experiment.

Rosie and Ben are continuing to find ways to make a mess and keep themselves occupied!


LA-jan said...

That distance experiment is amazing!! Great lesson!

Dorothy said...

That toilet paper measurement is great!