
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day was not super eventful, and it was SO cold! We started with outdoor church - week three of miserable weather in a row...

The kids spent tons of time making cards for people, and then got lots of sweet cards, too! Actually, Eleanor for the first time had a sort-of-for-real Valentine! A boy came to the door and asked her to be his Valentine...! And she responded by saying, "Okay, but I already told someone else I would be his Valentine." (News to me!) And then proceeded to ask me to "google" what exactly being someone's Valentine entailed. Basically she made an impressive card for him and he got her a little thing. It was both crazy and kind of adorable.

Our Valentines:

Chris's sister Jessie came down that day to hang out! She has recently gotten a job in "Manhattan" (according to Eleanor who is obsessed with New York currently because of Hamilton and tells me she plans to move there when she's a grown up) and came down to spend some time before she moves in a few months. We played a fun game she brought with her called Takaido.

She also brought down some cookies Gaby made for us that were so cute! And hot chocolate bombs that Ben tried to eat (not drink).

Despite the cold and dreary and sometimes rainy weather, we got out for a walk and a bike ride before she left and she and Chris were able to get over to the nearby brewery for awhile. 

Thanks for visiting, Jessie! And Happy Valentine's Day to all.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

So nice to spend time with Jessie. Good luck in New York!! Love the Valentine Eleanor got. Soo cute!