
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Florida - the resort

A friend offered us their timeshare down in Orlando at Orange Lake for the last week in February. They weren't going to use it and very generously asked us if we'd like to go. We were on the fence, but did some research into the resort and travel and decided we would drive and make it happen. It's been a rough and dreary January and February with all of us home all day every day and trying to do work and school and we needed to get out of here! So on a Friday, Chris and I woke up early and hit the road with breakfast and lunches packed before 6 am. We made it all the way down to Florida - an 11 hour drive - with only one 15 minute stop for gas and bathrooms.

The timeshare was wonderful. The check in process was all done via text-message from the car, they've really streamlined things.

The kids all slept in one room in two queen beds.

We saw the sun rise on the screened in porch...

And played at the playground.

Jane was the first to hop in the pool. The pools were heated but if it was windy out, I had no interest in going in! Thankfully the weather there was incredible. We were in shorts and tank tops almost every day and in the pool almost every day.

Ben particularly loved the splash pads, but he did get comfortable in the pool over the course of the week.

We played tons of mini golf. Everyone got a hole in one except for Rosie. Eleanor juuuuust snuck hers in on the morning we were leaving.

Chris even took the girls on a few one on one dates to go golfing.

We spent more than a fair share of time at the pools.

We even stayed up with a bit of our school work (one of the perks of homeschooling).

My mom decided to get a last minute flight down to join us for a few days, too!

The kids also participated in a little scavenger hunt that made them take silly pictures, like finding a funny place to sleep, spelling a word with their bodies, and trying to take a jumping picture.

I have so many pictures, so I'll share more of the things we decided to do off the resort in other posts.


Dorothy said...

It was so fun! I loved spending a few days with you guys. The resort was just perfect! Thanks!

Patty said...

Resort looks amazing and so many wonderful activities outside!! So happy you got to go!