
Monday, March 29, 2021

Sleepover with Bonnie

The kids were so excited because Auntie Lo and Uncle Benny decided to get away for a quick weekend trip and we got to watch Bonnie! Bonnie was a little on edge the whole time, I think wondering when her parents were going to come back, but overall did great. She played with her cousins (her most relaxed time, for sure), came along with us to church and playing outside. We took a walk, and we loved watching her love on all our local animals in the neighborhood. She was such a sweetheart!

Nothing was better though than watching the light and joy return to her face when Mom and Dad showed back up. She was immediately more relaxed, babbling more, giggling, and feeling awesome when they showed back up. 

Eleanor cried when she left, she was so sad! I told her we'd do it again though for sure!


Dorothy said...

So nice you could watch her for them!

Lauren said...

Thank you SO much for taking care of her and being up so early with her! She is so lucky to have you guys in her life and I can't wait for you guys to pick a date so we can return the favor :)

Patty said...

What a treat for Lauren! Bonnie is so adorable and I know she was very well loved while they were gone!