
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Friday field trips - biking the island loop

Last spring when the world shut down, our county closed Jamestown Island (think Pocahontas, 1607) to cars and other vehicles. The only way you were allowed on the island was by foot or bike, so we decided to see if our kids could make the ride. It was a 15-16 mile ride from our house and back and surprisingly they all did it, and pretty well! We biked it a handful of times last year on good weather days, and the kids have also gone from the parking lot around since then (more like a 7-8 mile ride), but we hadn't done the whole thing again since last year. One Friday with beautiful weather we decided to do it again, and it went pretty well! 

This was actually on a separate ride, but Ben and Rosie still occasionally fall asleep on longer rides if it gets too close to nap time. 


Patty said...

I'm amazed at their biking abilities! And the calories you must burn towing Ben and Rose!!! #strongmama

Dorothy said...

Great riding -- all of you!