
Monday, May 31, 2021

May wrap-up

May was wonderful. We had a few hot days but overall the weather stayed decent. We finished school the last week in April and Eleanor completed her testing the first two days of this month. 

Eleanor participated in communion at church for the first time this month.

The girls learned to play Halli Galli - one of our favorite games from Germany.

A doll tea party is one of the activities they ask to do all the time now.

This is my favorite time of year to be at our neighborhood playground - when it's not too hot and not too cold.

Our church has been hosting Popsicles and Praise for the littles recently. It's been fun!

We got to go over to Robert and Mollie's new house to help paint.

We played with our neighbors' new animals...bunnies and chicks!

I moved our daffodils!

Ben and Rosie have begun climbing trees like the big girls.

Dentist appointments for Ben and Rosie. As always, Rosie was super stoic and Ben was way too crazy.

Fun while I was watering the grass.

We rode our bikes to Spoke and Art and had ice cream.

The kids often wander over to the neighbors' house to get some attention, hah!

The neighborhood kids decided to try to sell lemonade. The canvassed the neighborhood and found 3 lemons, some sugar and some water. 

Hangman with Jane...(she spelled pizza)

The girls got to go to a birthday party.

Ben and Rosie also got to go to another birthday party.

We are finishing up the Chronicles of Narnia. The kids have been playing "Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy" with another set of kids who are also reading the series pretty continuously. The favorite toy in our house right now is a plastic bow and arrow.

Playing with Bonnie!

Fun on a waterslide in our neighbors' backyard.

Chris took the girls out for a special ice cream treat after golf one particularly hot evening.

Rosie snoring after a particularly busy day...

I took Jane on a one-on-one walk around the neighborhood one night to talk about some things that were bothering her.

Ben playing vehicles in the house...

Jane organized the shoe bench of her own accord one day. She loves to clean and organize things!

Onward to pool season!


Dorothy said...

Wow, that is quite a slide. I love to hear about the books and bow and arrow play. Fun to see all their creativity - the lemonade stand, the tea party, Jane's spelling:) Love it all. Can't wait to get some hugs!!!

Patty said...

All of these pics just made me smile...I could comment on each one!! Bu that fun! And way to go Jane for organizing!!