
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Moving the shed

One of the long term projects we had for this house was the backyard. We made some progress last year getting trees removed, moving an internal fence, fixing the outer fence (at least a little bit), and then trying to grow some grass. Overall it went decently, but we knew eventually we were going to have to do something about the shed that was literally in the center of the yard. The placement made some (but still not a lot of) sense when the backyard was a jungle. Now that we were trying to actually make the backyard usable, it made no sense at all. So our neighbor helped us drag the shed from the center to the corner of the yard. I'm glad it's done!

We had to cut down a couple trees that were in the way (no worries, they were almost all ones that I didn't like anyway and we are now planning to replace some of the trees with better ones).


After we took the needed trees down, Chris used a stump grinder to level the ground a bit.

We got our wood pile going...

And eventually it got moved! It had originally been built on a concrete slab. We unbolted it, jacked it up, and then moved it on some 6x6s using a winching system. then a new floor had to be built. We still have the concrete slab in the middle of the yard that for now we are going to burn some brush on, and then eventually probably rent a jackhammer and remove.

Here is a time lapse video Chris made of the shed moving.


Dorothy said...

What a big project! Great work you guys! I didn't know Chris did the stump grinding too. Love the video. You will love the new open space. Looks great!

Patty said...

Great job! An amazing feat!!