
Monday, June 28, 2021

Jane lost her first tooth!

Our sweet Jane was starting to get a little upset that almost all of her friends had lost teeth except her. Recently though she discovered that her lower middle two teeth were loose! She was so excited!

As they got a bit looser though, it started getting a little more distressing for her. Overall she was still excited though. Then it got really loose before swim practice and she had a little panic.

She made it to a church picnic that night though where I ended up pulling it out because it was hanging on by a thread. She was very, very upset by all the blood and weird feelings.

A few minutes later though, with some special attention, she pulled it together and had a good time.

She even conquered her fear of the tooth fairy coming into her room at night and got a whole dollar! 


Patty said...

This is so cute!! LOVE that last pic!!

Dorothy said...

Such a momentous occasion! Love Jane's excitement!