
Thursday, June 10, 2021

President project

Well, so ends our homeschool year. There have definitely been ups and downs, but overall it was the best decision for our family for this year. One of the most recent projects the girls had been working on was researching a president and doing a short performance. Jane chose George Washington. I read her a few picture books and she picked out a few facts to write down on her papers. Eleanor chose Abraham Lincoln and read a few books on her own and wrote her own little report. I had asked her to write down three facts, but she came back with a little speech! Here are the girls' performances (note Eleanor's eye contact, which I tried to explain to her, but obviously did not do a good job of! Hah!):

Eleanor had to do some end of year testing to submit to the county to show "proof of progress." Jane did not have to do this because of her age. 

After we finished we celebrated with strawberry shortcakes using the strawberries we picked at our local farm.

The kids all had a sleepover on their last day of school in the big girls' room. It did not go super smoothly and everyone was tired and cranky the next day. Oh well.

Also, we actually finished school at the end of April so really we've just been hanging out for the last month! It has been a nice reprieve from all the work, but we are so thankful that now swim team has started and we have a bit of structure again.

Onward to FIRST and THIRD grade!


Dorothy said...

Eleanor and Jane's reports are great! I love seeing them read their own reports. Onward to the next grades.... they had a great teacher this year!

Patty said...

Oh my, the eye contact5 is adorable and I love E's perseverance with her Abe hat!! Great job Jane! I think she's ahead of her fellow kindergarteners! And great job to their amazing teacher!! I know you'll enjoy the break!