
Monday, June 14, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend

The pool is officially open! It was busier the first few days of summer than I had seen all last year (most of these pictures are actually from before the pool opened - the girls got to swim a few times with some friends hence no crowds). We went to the pool Friday afternoon when it opened and the kids had a blast seeing friends they hadn't seen since last August. Rosie definitely thinks she can swim already and Ben has lost a lot of his water fear, so I have hope they'll both be a little more proficient by the end of the summer.

It actually happened to be a pretty rainy Memorial Day weekend. We spent Saturday finishing up soccer in the morning, doing a couple house projects, and playing inside. On Sunday we went to church and Jane went to a birthday party.

We went from there to Lauren's house for a cook out. It was a little chilly, but it turned out to be the most memorable Memorial Day ever! There was a comedy of errors which both Lauren and Eric were extremely good humored about starting with a kid falling off their dock into the canal, leading to an overflowing toilet, a leaking ceiling, accidents on the floor, and an amazing evening fishing (though even then there was an incident with an unattended fishing pole flying off the dock to be lost forever to the Chickahominy). We stayed way too late (until almost 9 pm) because everyone was having too good a time despite all the mishaps to break up the party. Bonnie did a great job hanging in there!

On Monday we did some more house projects (starting to paint the outside of the french doors, digging out a tree stump), and then headed back to the pool for the afternoon and an early bed time since we were up so late the night before. Happy Memorial Day weekend. We are so thankful for the freedom we're afforded and know that it has come at the expense of many lives. We honor those who gave them up so that we can celebrate our freedom with family.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Fun weekend...what a crazy day at Lauren and Eric's!