
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Too much ice cream

I just had to share this because it is so out of character...but one week, we ended up getting ice cream a ridiculous amount of times. We started with ice cream cones at home to celebrate the Summer Awards meet one Saturday. The following Monday, the first night of VBS got cancelled due to storms, and we headed out to Sno to go as a consolation event after the storm cleared. On Wednesday, we headed to Kilwins in CW with our library summer reading prize coupons and got ice cream. That same night  we ended up at Brusters getting cones after a night of VBS with friends. Thursday evening, our church brought mobile Sno to go to us and the kids got MORE ice cream. Then on Friday, Shug was visiting and while we walked around CW, we passed Baskin Robbins which happened to be hosting "Cone with a Cop" and all the kids got free ice cream cones while they met some police officers. 

Just in case you weren't counting, that's six different ice cream events in a week. I don't know that we'll ever top that...


Patty said...

Sounds like a dream week to me!!!!!

Dorothy said...

Sounds amazing to me!