
Thursday, August 5, 2021

Vacation Bible School - Rocky Railway 2021

This year our church decided to do an outside evening family VBS. We did Rocky Railway. They served dinner every night (except Monday which got cancelled due to thunder and lightning). Tuesday was a carnival theme, Wednesday was a petting zoo, Thursday was Sno-to-go and carnival again, and Friday was inflatable obstacle courses. There were crafts every night, dinner, skits, lessons, songs, and general fun and community. The girls particularly enjoyed face painting and balloon animals. 

Unfortunately VBS Sunday was rained out so moved to an indoor service. The kids do not do as well inside as you can see, but overall it was still a fun end to the week! It also is the first indoor church service they have been to since March of 2020! We have sat outside every week, rain, snow, etc.

We had a great time on the Rocky Railway doing evening VBS! 

1 comment:

Patty said...

What a wonderful experience! They all look so happy!