
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Emerald Isle, NC

The other week we ended up going to the beach for a long weekend. Chris's family was down for the week and we couldn't pull off the whole week now that the girls are in school, but we were so glad we were able to get down for a little while. I took walks on the beach every morning!

The kids played on the beach every day, running down the dunes, building sand castles, playing football and bocce.

The last morning we were there, I got up early and went out for sunrise with Rosie, and then Eleanor joined us!

My early risers!

The kids slept great every night because they were so tired!

We ate fun food!

Rosie pretended to read and stayed all day at the beach.

All four kids spent lots of time in the water! 

We spent morning to night outside...

Apparently on Tuesday night, 109 sea turtles hatched and made their way to the ocean (we weren't there). Then on Friday night they dug up the nest and one last little turtle made his/her way down to the water. We ran down but didn't make it quite in time to see the journey. 

In addition to morning strolls, we went for evening strolls.

Took some family pictures...

Jane and Rosie even put on a little bit of a show for us with Ben involved.

The water stars were certainly Rosie and Jane, who were both just at home in the ocean.

We shot off some fun rocket copters one evening.

One evening Henry took some family pictures for us...

It was great weather (mostly, one afternoon of rain), and a great end to "summer." 


grammy said...

You nailed it with these pictures, Katie. Fabulous!

Patty said...

Pictures are wonderful! It was such a wonderful time! (Is that Jane sleeping atop of Eleanor???)

Dorothy said...

These are such great pictures!!! Family vacations are the best!