
Monday, September 20, 2021

Jane is SIX!

Jane is SIX years old! Every year now feels significant. She officially has made her first foray into the school world after being homeschooled for kindergarten. She absolutely loves first grade and her teacher Mrs. Walls. She also loves that she has 5 or 6 kids from swim team in her class this year. We worked on learning to read last year and while she still struggles a little bit with reading, she is doing a fantastic job overall. She is such a joy, and her smile and laugh are so contagious. It may be my favorite part about Jane! With her joy, though, comes other emotions that are just as strong and somewhat harder to manage. We have spent the year trying to find the best ways to help her manage her big feelings and still feel like we're coming up short. So we'll keep trying! She is such a determined person and excels at everything she tries because she works so hard until she gets things right. She's a bit of a perfectionist, which we're trying to help quell a bit, and very internally motivated. She loves sharing and being generous with both her things and her words. She has lost three teeth (all on the bottom and all pretty recently), learned how to swim all 4 swim strokes legally this year (as a five year old!), her favorite color is blue (or turquoise), and she loves playing with friends and being social.

She and Eleanor had a joint party before school started because on her actual birthday she had school! My last night with my five year old!

We woke up and did her birthday string, opened some presents, and then she headed out with Chris for a special Chick-fil-A breakfast.

After school, we brought special sprinkle chocolate chip cookies to the bus stop and Jane was met by Uncle Rob and Auntie Mollie with cousin Robert.

That night Antelope and Uncle Benny came over for cake. Jane had requested chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner so that's what they had!

Overall she had a great day. She got to wear a crown at school all day that her teacher gave her. We donated a book to the library so she got her name announced on the announcements in the morning. 

We love our sweet Janer and are so thankful for her spirit and influence on our family. Happy birthday Jane!

Jane at onetwothreefourfive, sixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. Jane at twotwo and a halfthreefour and five years old.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Happy birthday sweet Jane! We love bring us so much joy!! <3