
Monday, December 27, 2021

Christmas Eve

We took a walk in Colonial Williamsburg on Christmas Eve to see all the decorations and wreaths. We even ran into Lauren and Benny while we were down there! We kept our distance as some of us weren't feeling well. I love this little tradition though. It is calm and nice to get out and take a walk when the weather is nice.

We love all the wreaths. They are so pretty and creative and made from natural things and it is so fun to see what they've come up with each year.

Later we went to church for our Christmas Eve outdoor service and tailgated near our van.

We came home, had a delicious dinner (sadly without L&B&B this year because we were sick), opened a gift, and then went out and sprinkled reindeer food on the lawn that our neighbor had left on our front porch!

We made sure to take our pyramid picture...

And then we put out cookies for Santa and went to bed!

It was a very sweet Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Such joy when the kids are young! So wonderful to see the beautiful CW decorations and loved the girls' dresses! And the Christmas jammies!!