
Friday, December 31, 2021

December wrap-up

Ben and Rosie love to greet the bus and their sisters in the afternoons!

Rosie's favorite cereal these days is Cheerios.

We went to an awesome golf cart parade in Lauren and Eric's neighborhood at the beginning of the month.

Shug and Rachael came down for a visit!

We spent lots of time playing in leaves...

I tried my hand at making homemade bread. It turned out better than any previous attempts, but still not quite up to par with my brother-in-law who was/is actually a baker.

The big girls started playing basketball.

We had the annual ornament exchange.

We had a small group girls night at Christmas Town.

Santa drove through our neighborhood.

The girls had a sleepover with friends and we went to the pool.

We ran into Father Christmas in Merchant's Square.

Auntie Jessie came to visit.

The kids had a sleepover at Coach Anne's.

Marina time.

We helped put together Christmas Eve candles at church.

Chris took the girls ice skating.

It was a wonderful December filled with family and Christmas activities. As some of us got Covid toward the end of it, though, we are looking forward to closing the book on 2021 and starting 2022 with a fresh slate. 


Patty said...

The bus videos are so sweet and jumping in the leaves looks so much fun! Great job on the bread - it really looks amazing. That marina picture tho...gorgeous!

Dorothy said...

These pictures are so nice. The girls look great on the ice! The bread looks really good. Such fun times!