
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

November wrap-up

November is another of my favorite months. I am like most people and love the fall. The weather is awesome, there is anticipation for a lot of cozy family and holiday time, and we can start making soup again. We've had both gorgeous and cold weather, so a lot of back and forth this year with clothing. 

The girls have been playing in the hammocks almost every nice afternoon.

Eleanor has started volunteering with me in the church nursery.

Ben has been embracing when he gets tired finally.

We tried to start fixing parts of our screened in porch. This is probably our next house project - fixing some rotting wood, repainting, putting up some fans, and maybe getting some seating out there.

We started a run club with our bus stop crew. The girls are "training" for a 5k run/walk in December. It's through the school's SHIP (school health initiative program) club.

Another SHIP club project was making a healthy meal using brussel sprouts, rutabaga, winter squash, yams, onions, and cranberries.

Our church has been having family nights once a month outside. This past one was a harvest festival. The kids had so much fun doing hay rides, singing songs and listening to a message, doing a cake walk, playing with giant inflatables, crafting, eating hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn, s'mores, and coloring. It really was super well done and a lot of fun.

Coach Anne has been hanging out with the twins for a couple hours every other week to help me out and the other day, the girls had off school for election day so they all went over! The girls were especially excited. 

Playing at another park...


Here are Ben and Rosie singing one of their favorite VBS songs:

Rosie had a great time decorating her birthday card from Uncle Johnny and Auntie Erika.

Hats are out!

These two are always up to some crazy shenanigans. They were off on a trip here.

Jane and Sarah had a play date one night while Eleanor and Hannah had a soccer clinic.

Ben and Rosie love their church class!

Auntie Ashleigh visited CW briefly one afternoon and we rushed out to see her! We had very little time because we had to get home to pick up E&J from school, but we were so happy for the opportunity to get together.

Eleanor and Jane are playing basketball this winter.

Jane had artwork displayed in the office at school (the scarecrow is hers).

Fun with patterns

Onward to December, fireplaces, advent, Christmas, and hot chocolate!

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