
Thursday, December 2, 2021


We went to Chris' parents house this year for Thanksgiving, along with all of his siblings and their families! The last time we were all together was Christmas last year, so it was very special to have everyone together.

The kids all got lots of good cousin time with Robert and Tessa.

We did some food prep. Most notably, Jonathan baked delicious bread all week. I tried to watch and learn a thing or two that I will put to the test later, but my expectations are low.

We had lots of meals together. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious!

I tried to get a picture with Tessa, but like most 1/2 year olds, she had to be in her dad's arms. Still got one though!

We kicked field goals Thanksgiving morning. None of the kids got it over but I hit a 15 yarder this year (my longest in several years) and Chris hit one from 42 (also his longest in several years). 

We threw pumpkins off the deck - I'm pretty sure Gaby and Papa Laser will have a pumpkin patch growing next year!

We also got several family pictures!

It was a great time with family and so special to be able to get everyone together in one place. We are so thankful for this group of people and all their unique personalities and gifts. 

When we got home, there were naps for days!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Wonderful Thanksgiving! Great pictures!