
Monday, January 3, 2022


Merry Christmas! We were supposed to be heading up to my mom's house this year for Christmas with my family, but unfortunately Covid hit our house and all of our plans changed. We had a much quieter (as quiet as it can be with four small kids) Christmas all at home and despite being sick, it was still sweet time together.


The kids got a zip line for Christmas. Eleanor asked for a roller coaster in the backyard, so Santa wrote, "I couldn't fit a roller coaster in the backyard without knocking down the Kincaid's house, so try this instead." and so far it is a good fit!

Later in the week we had a couple mostly outdoor visits from family! My mom and brother came down.

Then the Strattons came down.

Nothing went as expected, but we were still so thankful we were able to see most of our family around the holidays. 


Dorothy said...

We loved our day with you all! I am so sorry that Covid hit when it did and changed everything. Your family is so loved! I love Santa's gift of the zip line! I can't wait to see pictures of Ben at Monster Jam! So glad you were able to see everyone eventually! Love you!!!

Patty said...

I love this post and the positive that came out of it. All of us were disappointed in some way this Christmas but God provided special moments for sure! Pics and videos are beautiful!!