
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Our year in review - 2021

This was another remarkable year as we surged forward into new routines in the midst of this pandemic. We homeschooled the girls for the first half of the year which was essentially a full-time job for me and put them back in the public school for 3rd and 1st grade this fall, where so far they are thriving. Chris continued working from home full-time through the summer and went back into the office 1 and then 3 days a week in September. He continues working from home twice a week. The oldest four in our family were able to get vaccines giving us a little more flexibility with exposures. Ben and Rosie spent the year at home with me, but are eagerly hoping for a chance to experience preschool next year. Eleanor and Jane had incredible swim seasons and Rosie and Ben both improved dramatically in their swim skills. We've made new friends, gotten new neighbors, and taken on new roles in our church and neighborhood. 

(For past years, click the following links: 20202019, 2018, 2017, 20162015, 2014, 20132012, 2011, 201020092008.)

January: We took walks on trails, spent quiet weekends at home laying low, and slow mornings together. The girls memorized their January poem, and Ben and Rosie went to the doctor.

February: We went to Florida for spring break, stayed at a fun resort, went to Disney, Blue Springs State Park, visited a couple local places, and then headed to Jacksonville to visit our friends. The school continued, the girls memorized their February poem, we did Reader's Theater, and we had a snow day. We celebrated Valentine's Day, Ben and Rosie continued to be silly.

March: The girls learned their March poem, we celebrated 100 days of school, Eleanor wrote a book, and we biked the island loop. We took a couple field trips to Mount Trashmore and the Matoaka Amphitheater. School pictures happened. The girls had an American Girl Tea Party with friends and we had a fun sleepover with Bonnie!

April: We took field trips to pick strawberries and lavender. The girls learned their April poem and Eleanor read scripture at church. We celebrated Easter, Rosie learned to ride a bike, the girls played golf, and Ben and Rosie enjoyed their High Five magazine from Aunt Holly and Uncle Mike.

May: We wrapped up our homeschool year, backyard soccermoved the shed in our back yard, Shug and Rachael came to visit, and I had a small group girls weekend in Wintergreen. I rode the Capital Trail, we painted our shutters, went to the marina to see a rocket launch, and had a memorable Memorial Day Weekend

June: Chris and I went to Boston for a wedding, and then to West Virginia with mom and Dave. Swim season started and the girls had their first meets, we went blueberry picking, and Jane lost her first tooth!

July: We spent the Fourth of July at my mom's, flew to Florida for Eleanor to do surf camp, and spent tons of time at the pool. We also participated in family VBS at church.

August: Eleanor had a birthday, and so did I! Eleanor and Jane had their first joint birthday party. They wrapped up their swim seasons (at Champs for the first time!), and Ben and Rosie learned to swim.  We went down to watch the Fools' Regatta. We went tubing at the girls went back to school. Chris and I swam across the James River. We ate a ton of ice cream and went out on our neighbor's boat.

September: Both Chris and Jane had birthdays. Soccer season started. We wrapped up pool season. We went to Emerald Isle!

October: We went canoeing, sang songs, visited College Run Farms to pick pumpkins, tripped over cars, rollerbladed, and went to Virginia Beach. Grammy and Opa came to visit! We celebrated Halloween and went to a neighborhood potluck.

November: Ben and Rosie turned four! All four kids finished up their soccer seasons. We put a fireplace in our house. We played at the park, in the leaves, and even in the pool. We spent Thanksgiving with Chris' family and even got to visit the National Zoo!

December: We caroled with neighbors, went to Grand Illumination, saw Santa, and a train show. Eleanor and Jane ran their first 5K. We spent time at Christmas Town. We celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas, albeit differently as our plans changed rapidly due to sickness.

As we close out 2021, we are so thankful. We are all healthy, have amazing family and community, and know the love of our Savior. We continue to be unsure how 2022 will look given constant newly emerging pandemic variants, but we are hopeful that the world will eventually settle into a new normal and we can all move forward in some fashion together. Happy New Year to all!


Patty said...

Love this recap! Happy new year to you all! <3

Dorothy said...

Great wrap! You guys do so much throughout the year. I am so glad you create so many wonderful memories! Love you all!