
Monday, April 4, 2022

March wrap-up

March...what a month. I think I'll be glad to see the back of it. We are looking forward to warmer weather, more flexible schedules, and despite all that, we did have lots of fun and relaxing moments!

My little snuggle muffins:

The kids put on a backyard performance for everyone, which included tickets, and several fun stations to explore.

Outside play time on the little play house...

Rosie got a keyboard for her birthday and one day I came downstairs to find Ben had removed all the keys off the keyboard. She was pretty upset.

Slacklining is a big hit in our house recently thanks to Uncle Benny and Auntie Lo.

The bus stop kids have been having fun with run club again this spring.

Ben in his favorite car at the playground.

Jane surprised us all with her flexibility doing the splits!

Chris and his helpers layed both mulch and topsoil for planting grass one weekend.

Bike ride break at Black Point...

We're doing garden club with SHIP at school - growing peas and tomatoes!

Eleanor's teacher died this year. It was a hard season and continues to prove challenging in some ways. They displayed her card at the funeral and it was a lovely service.

Jane sporting her Tribe Pride.

The kids have been playing gas station recently. The bike pump is the gas dispenser :)

Rosie performing...either Hamilton or Encanto. Never a dull moment with that one. "A toast to the groom!"

Welcome April!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Never a dull moment at your house! Love all the creativity!