
Monday, June 20, 2022

End of school year artwork

Here is the end of the school year artwork round up:

Eleanor - 3rd grade felt like a massive, shift toward academics, though we have never experienced second grade in the public schools so maybe it happens earlier and we just didn't realize! But while Eleanor made less art this year, she still loved making it!

Jane's first grade work was prolific this year. It was hard to keep up with all the crafts and art she brought home. As Jane loves crafting and art, this was a great year for her! She also loves writing so much of her artwork came in book form (not pictured here).

Ben has recently started drawing a lot more. His favorite things to draw are birthday cakes (he colors the candle flames yellow, runs up to you and asks you to "blow them out" and then runs away and colors black or blue over the yellow flame and then runs back to show you they're out).

Rosie has also started drawing a lot! She loves drawing people, houses, turtles in the ocean, trees, and our zip line. She also loves writing - she knows how to write all of our names and loves asking you how to spell other things.

We have been cleaning out backpacks and the office now that school is over so it was time to organize the artwork. The office cleaning and organizing still has a long way to go, but this was a big start!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

I love seeing what they are drawing. I love the Rosie's "hands" and Ben's candles. Jane did a ton! Fun to see her 1st and last day portraits. E has such detail! Thanks!