
Monday, July 25, 2022

14th Anniversary

We just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary! We are so thankful to Grandma, Auntie Mollie, and Antelope for all stepping in and helping watch the kids so we could get away for a couple days to the beach. We spent pretty much all day at the beach reading, napping, and enjoying the peace and quiet! We picked up breakfast from Barrier Island Bagels and some subs for lunch and planted ourselves in the sand all day. We both finished entire books in 1.5 beach days.

We got drinks and then dinner at a place called Aqua on the sound side. The truffle fries were amazing (and Chris obviously enjoyed the seafood).

After dinner we took a walk along the boardwalk in Duck.

The next night (after a long beach day) we decided to go for Mexican food. We were going to take a walk and get some ice cream after dinner, but during dinner it started downpouring! There was lightning, thunder, and I got soaked on the quick run to the car. So we pivoted and ended up going to the movies and saw Top Gun! It was fantastic. Chris had already seen it but was excited to see it again. I hadn't been to the movies in years.

We also borrowed the beach cruisers at our Airbnb to explore the area, but after a very, very quick ride, realized the bikes were way too small for us and beach cruisers aren't easy to ride on any hills!

It was an amazing quick trip and we are so thankful to everyone who contributed to making it happen!


Dorothy said...

I just love everything about this post. I am so glad you got to relax a bit and just enjoy doing whatever you felt like doing! Congratulations on your 14th anniversary! The you guys look very relaxed and happy!

Patty said...

I'm so glad you got to do this. I, too, thank everyone who made this anniversary escape possible for you. Happy anniversary!

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Love your pictures!! So glad you guys had some very much deserved YOU time!