
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Surf camp

Eleanor and Jane did surf camp this year in Virginia Beach. This was Eleanor's second year and Jane's first. The waves here in Virginia Beach were a little rougher than in St. Augustine, and the sand bank was not as flat, which meant several more wipe outs. Overall though they were tough and they had fun. Ben, Rosie and I hung out on the beach and played these afternoons. It was great since this is likely the only real beach time they're getting this summer.

Here are the kids (and Ben and Rosie) practicing their pop ups.

This year it was harder to just watch and take videos as I had Ben and Rosie with me (last year just Jane came). I got a few though!

Overall the kids had a great time. They mostly increased in confidence as the week wore on, but Jane did struggle a bit worrying about the size of the waves on the last day. In the end she still decided to brave them and then by the end of the day was so proud of herself and was excited that she tried. Ben even made a friend on the beach named Lincoln. They played for two days straight. 

Here are a couple of the professional pictures taken that week...

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

That looks so hard! Good for them for hanging in there! Great pictures!