
Monday, August 1, 2022

July wrap-up

July was a busy month! The bulk of swim season happens during July, we took a few short trips, we visited with family, and spent a lot of time in the water trying to keep cool. It's also officially the only full month we are off (school lets out in June and starts in August).

We've had lots of Chapel Family Picnics - and this dude gets super sweaty and dirty. The girls volunteered passing out waters.

Grandma came down to visit so she could watch a swim meet and then she, Auntie Mollie, and Antelope helped watch the kids so Chris and I could get away for a couple nights for our anniversary.

We've gotten lots of cousin time this month!

All the boy cousins together!

Shug and Rachael also came down this month to visit with all the grandkids!

We had a big spaghetti dinner pre-triathlon to let the guys carbo-load before their event.

Jane made me a crown!

Rosie has been practicing for her flower girl role...

Couple of movie stars...

We've taken lots of naps...long hot days in the sun!

Our friends from Florida came up for a visit!

We've been doing summer reading at the library...

And reaping it's rewards (ice cream coupons)...

Bath and shower buddies...

Bedtime buddies...

We've also enjoyed Water Country!

The kids got to have a tea party with friends.

We had a great month and are looking forward to another month with less structure (no swim or school) before hitting the ground running with a new routine in the fall. 


Dorothy said...

What a month! You guys did so much! Love to see so many big smiles, friends and family times!

Lauren said...

So much happened this month! Loving these Summer days.

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

What a great July!! So fun getting to see you guys so much!