
Thursday, August 4, 2022

VBS Treasure Island 2022

VBS this year was family style again - 4 evenings of Treasure Island fun with Tommy Tsunami and Nautical Nick learning about how Jesus is the true treasure!

There were carnival games and crafts...

One day there was a petting zoo, where Ben said he "pet a bunny or a sheep. I don't remember."

We had lots of singing and time with friends. Programming was excellent!

Jane connected with a sweet friend she hadn't seen since preschool!

Happy VBS week!

Past VBS years (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)


The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Love all your pictures! VBS was awesome!!

Dorothy said...

I am impressed with the set up! Looks like it was a huge success! Love the pics!

Patty said...

This looks so much fun!!! I always loved VBS!