
Monday, October 3, 2022

September wrap-up

September is always a gorgeous month. It's still relatively warm so we haven't broken out the jackets yet, but we get at least a taste of the cool weather to come. It was a month filled with triathlons, adjusting to a new school schedule, and filled with family and friends.

I've enjoyed some morning rides as the sun rises.

We did backyard camping when the dads were out of town for a guys weekend.

Ben and Rosie's school had a picnic (and as a side note, everyone is very into gaga ball. A new pit was built at our neighborhood park this summer, too).

We took our last trip to Water Country.

We also closed the pool down (September 16/17 this year) - Rosie bought the last Klondike bar at the snack shack.

Jane went to a birthday party with a friend.

Eleanor had the opportunity to go to the Altria in Richmond to see Wicked.

Rosie has been building cities with duplo legos from Uncle Eric.

We were able to spend time with family while we were up in Northern Virginia for Papa Laser's funeral.

Shug and Rachael came to visit.

Ben loves playing with Riser.

I got to celebrate Jessie for her bachelorette in Richmond :) We did a fun cycling/pontoon boat experience.

Gaby also came down to visit and we got to see her at Billsburg!

We had an incident where Ben locked the actual garage. I don't carry keys with me when we walk to the bus stop so we were locked out of the house. Chris had to leave work to help us, and then we realized his key to the house only opened a lower lock but not a deadbolt so we were still locked out. Thankfully, Eleanor had unlocked a window and forgotten to re lock it, so we broke a screen, opened the one unlocked window, and Rosie climbed in and unlocked the door for us.

We got to celebrate Uncle Benny for his 40th!

The girls decided to try scouts this year and we went to the American Revolution Museum.

We rode home in the dark one evening.

And have played at the park.

Jane has gotten into the skip it!

And we got to celebrate Jessie at a bridal shower early in the month!

I saw a piebald deer for the first time...didn't even know they existed.

We had a brief 10 minute storm one night that was over as soon as it started but left a lot of destruction (not our house, this was a neighbor's).

Grandma and Dave came down for a visit.

The girls rode home from the bus stop in the chariot one day, hah!

It's been a challenging month in many ways as we adjust to new people and routines in our lives, losses, and opportunities for growth, but we are so thankful for all the opportunities to do life and whatever it entails with friends and family.


Dorothy said...

I hope the girls enjoy scouts this year. I have never seen a piebald deer. Now I know what to look for! Cute picture of you and Riser! It looked like you had cut your hair short:)

Patty said...

These are all great pictures. Always sad to see the pool close, but the cooler weather is so refreshing. Hadn't heard about the "break-in"!!