
Thursday, November 3, 2022


 The girls had a Halloween parade at school and we got to go watch them!


 We carved you can tell, Rosie was not thrilled.

We got ready and took a couple pictures. Eleanor was a monarch butterfly, Jane a black cat, Ben a green puppy, and Rosie a unicorn.

Jane and Rosie worked on a unicorn mask for her. 

Then we headed out trick or treating with the neighbors.

We made it all the way over to the hay ride - 4 miles of walking this evening.

Coach Anne and Crazy Dave came by on their way home from dinner with friends to see the kids dressed up. They were amused by the mac and cheese they received trick or treating, hah!

And of course, the kids sorted candy.

Happy Halloween!


Dorothy said...

Oh the fun of sorting the candy! They were so cute!

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Love their costumes and love the pictures of Eleanor hugging everyone! So sweet!

Patty said...

You are always so creative! There's some great looking candy right there!!

Lauren said...

There are so many full size candy bars! And Rosie's mask bahahahahahaha <3 Absolutely love.