
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Harry Potter Forbidden Forest

For Eleanor's birthday this year we got tickets to the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest Experience at Morven Park in Leesburg. It had been set up in Europe and came to the U.S. this fall so we figured it would be a really fun thing to do together. It was a beautiful evening and had a lot of interactive and memorable parts.

It all started with someone turning out the lights with a deluminator...

We started by walking by Hagrid and then Hedwig...

Then we saw Buckbeak and Grawp.

We saw the Weasley car crashed in the forest...

The kids each got to cast their own patronuses...

There was Cho's mistletoe...

The girls pet a thestral.

The kids were able to duel each other.

And then we wandered into Aragog's territory.

Just walking around was magical...

We saw centaurs, and then the iconic scene of Harry casting away the dementors.

Overall it was a really fun experience and the kids thought it was magical. We had a great time!

Rosie patronus, walking, unicorn

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

What a special night for the kids!