
Monday, November 28, 2022


Happy Thanksgiving! We went up to Round Hill this year to celebrate with my side of the family. Unfortunately we were all fairly sick - we basically all went down right after the wedding. 

Despite that, my family still wanted us to come and we had a great time. We stuck close to home because we were all exhausted, but we had fun eating, spending time together, and playing games. Bonnie even had a "pretend" sleepover with the cousins. She didn't actually want to stay with them.

Riser was fussy, which was shocking to see because he's generally so easy going. He was cutting his first teeth!

We spent time out in the yard playing t-ball and lacrosse.

We played games like Jenga, Blokus, Code Names, Wingspan, Tiny Epic Galaxies, and One Night.

The weather was fantastic.

We kicked field goals...I hit one from 10 this year. The kids are still working on getting them over...

We even got to celebrate Bonnie's birthday. Rosie couldn't wait to have a tea party with her with her new tea set!

I just realized I have no actual Thanksgiving dinner pictures, but as soon as dinner was over, the kids watched Frosty to transition into the Christmas season.

The second we got in the car, it was lights out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

It was so nice to spend it with you even through so many didn't feel up to par. Thank you for coming! Great pictures of the kids on the fence!