
Thursday, December 1, 2022

November wrap-up

November was a very busy month! Between the twins turning 5, a family wedding, a major holiday, and a week of sickness, it seemed like we were running from one event to the next. Busy isn't bad though and we had a great month.

We had some Indian Summer weather early on and enjoyed some hammock time.

We went to member appreciation weekend at Busch Gardens where Ben rode Invadr for the first time and the kids walked around with old Battle for Eire masks on their faces.

Our neighbors built a tree house.

We met Auntie Ashleigh in CW, taking advantage while she lives close by.

Girls walking home from the bus stop.

Ben got super confident on his bike.

Our church held a harvest festival and we had a great time time.

We went up to Richmond to see Auntie Ashleigh run her half marathon. We also found this cool swing!

Lots of beautiful sunsets...

Playing with our friends' car.

After Thanksgiving and the wedding, I spent a little bit of time regrouping and planning (while sick) so that hopefully December can be a peaceful month of anticipation, along with lots of fun friends, family, and community awaiting the celebration of the birth of our savior. 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Neighbors playhouse is impressive! What a busy month!