
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Christmas 2022

Christmas this year was lovely. We went up to Chris' mom's house along with all of his siblings, their spouses, and children. The whole family has had a lot of opportunity to get together this year - we are quite thankful for that. 

The kids all worked very hard on books this year. Gaby and Papa Laser had gifted them books last year and they wanted to write something for this year. Eleanor's was called Peggy the Penny, Jane's was called A Visit to Gaby's, Ben's was called Happy Christmas to me and Gaby, and Rosie's was called A Visit to Gaby's When Rosie Comes.

We were able to celebrate cousin Tessa's 3rd birthday together a day late.

Christmas Eve morning we went to Arlington to visit Papa Laser. It was the first time the kids were able to see his stone. Obviously it was hard, but it was a special memory and I was glad we were able to be with him on this holiday.

Another special moment for me was that I got to go visit my grandmother's grave while we were there, too. I haven't been in a very long time. Her resting place is lovely, right next to a tree, and she overlooks the Washington Monument.

We decorated cookies on Christmas Eve.

We did a lot of playing around the house. Jane showed us how she does the splits and Rosie made some roller skates out of train pieces.

The kids put out cookies for Santa after opening matching jammies!

Gaby read them the Polar Express.

That night we had a late Christmas Eve dinner after the kids were in bed. 

Christmas morning was exciting, and also the first time we had been all together on Christmas morning in years!

Chris was a sport wearing his dad's light up llama pajamas!

We opened stockings...
The boys got Air Force hats.

Chris got his mom and fun candle.

Rosie and Ben got remote control stunt cars.

Eleanor was excited about her high heels and Jane her baby Yoda squishmallow.

Gaby had bears made out of Papa Laser's shirts for each of the kids, which was so, so sweet and special. The sisters all got tote bags made out of his flight suits which was amazing - I LOVE mine!

Jane face painted everyone who would let her.

The kids decorated ornaments with Auntie Mollie.

We did a puzzle together...

We also had a delicious Christmas dinner on the 26th before we headed back to Williamsburg.

When we got home we went straight to bed and had a slow morning the next day. We had cinnamon rolls and did our annual Christmas pyramid.

We opened gifts.

Then we got ready for family to come! My family had planned to get together over Christmas at my mom's house, but their heat went out right before everyone came. Unfortunately it couldn't be fixed so they pivoted and came down to Williamsburg. We were so excited! They came for two days and we maximized our time.

We played games, opened gifts, ate delicious food, and even built a gingerbread house.

We had a really full and great time getting to see almost all our family members this year. Then we had a pretty uneventful and quiet slide into the new year while we recovered from Christmas and got ready to head back to school and work. 


Dorothy said...

So great to all be together! What beautiful memories were made. Thanks for being so accommodating to us with our last minutes heating issues! I absolutely love the bears and totes from Papa Laser's items that Gabby had made for you all!

Dorothy said...

Also, thanks so much for hosting us and making the fantastic dinner, breakfast, lunch and activities. It was wonderful!!!!

Patty said...

I love this post. I am beyond grateful for all you did to make our Christmas so special. Through the tears there was much joy, love and laughter. Thank you <3