
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Our Year in Review - 2022

2022 was a challenging year for our family. We experienced a lot of loss, most significantly Papa Laser, and the kids had to grapple with tough concepts, some hard truths, and learn how to move forward despite knowing the world will never be exactly the same. At the same time, we had some amazing family time, and our community showed up in very tangible ways. We each accomplished some hard things (triathalons, swim meets, 5ks) and made some lasting memories. I think we are all hoping for a lighter 2023, but this was still a year full of love.

(For past years, click the following links: 20212020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 20162015, 2014, 20132012, 2011, 201020092008.)

January: We celebrated New Years with friends, went sledding, enjoyed more snow, the kids wrote silly notes, played family Clue and Do You Know Ben, celebrated artwork, and the twins enjoyed life.

February: We visited Grandma, got even more snow, enjoyed the weekends, celebrated President's Day and Valentine's Day, had a cousin weekend, Ben learned to ride his bike, and we enjoyed some music.

March: We went to visit Gaby and Papa Laser, stopped by Gravelly Point, and did some D.C. museums. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day, Rosie was herself, Aunt Holly and Uncle Mike came to visit, and met our new nephew.

April: We took a spring break trip to Cape Charles and Kiptopeke. The kids put on slackline shows and life continued as normal. We ran a 5K and Eleanor PRed. We celebrated Easter, and the twins got to shadow at school for a day.

May: Papa Laser gained his eternal reward and we were left here to mourn. I can't adequately express how that impacted the entire rest of our year, but the one small positive was that we got to see a lot more family this year than we had planned. Busch Gardens and Water Country opened back up. The girls had their dance performance and saw Beauty and the Beast at the local high school. I went to Chincoteague with my small group and soccer season ended.

June: I went to Portland with the sisters, the big and little twinned, school ended with art and a couple events, and swim began. We went to Lake Anna for a night and had some picnics.

July: Swim continued, and Ben swam in his first meet (the absolute highlight of my summer - I was so, so proud of him!). We celebrated the 4th of July, and we went back to Cape Charles to camp, Chris and I celebrated our 14th anniversary in Kitty Hawk, the girls did surf camp in Virginia Beach, and Chris and his brother completed an Olympic length triathlon. We participated in VBS.

August: Swim officially ended and I can't imagine we'll ever have a better season that this one. I got to see Hamilton for my birthday, we spent our vacation time in Round Hill, the twins started preschool, and the girls started 2nd and 4th grade. Eleanor turned 9 and had a party, and we spent time at Busch Gardens.

September: We went to Virginia Beach for Labor Day, had a date night at Busch Gardens, Jane turned 7 and had a party. Chris finished another lap around the sun and Chris and I both did Sprint triathlons and we swam a relay across the James River. Chris went to Colorado and we all went up to Arlington for Papa Laser's burial. 

October: Uncle Eric came down to visit, I went to visit my college roommates, we were blessed with another nephew, we enjoyed evenings down at the marina, the twins took a field trip to Holly Fork Farm, we went camping with scouts, and we celebrated Halloween.

November: We went to the Harry Potter Forbidden Forest Experience, and Ben turned 5, as did Rosie. They had a fun birthday, got to go to the Bounce House with Bonnie, and Rosie continues to come into her own personality. Soccer ended, we celebrated Jessie & Henry's marriage, as well as Thanksgiving.

: So many fun things! We went to Christmas Town, the Williamsburg Christmas Parade, Grand Illumination, and participated in several nativities! The twins have been devouring Christmas books, we saw Santa, and we decorated cookies with friends. We enjoyed the traditional wreaths that decorate our colonial capital, went ice skating, and celebrated Christmas with our families

We welcome 2023 with open arms and pray that health and comfort follow you wherever you find yourselves this year. Here's to a new year!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Happy New Year! This is just an wonderful review!