
Monday, January 23, 2023

Ice Skating

After Christmas we had a couple days at home before the kids went back to school where we mostly relaxed and spent time as a family. We ended up taking the kids ice skating down in Colonial Williamsburg. Eleanor and Jane are decent (they can mostly stay standing) at this point and Rosie and Ben had never been on ice before. The big girls were quite big sports encouraging and helping their younger siblings and the twins had shockingly fantastic attitudes. It was definitely challenging but they really rose to the occasion.

Rosie started out slow and unsteady. 

All of them out on the ice!

Ben taking a break.

Rosie on the ground.

A Zamboni and snack break...

We finally got one of the little polar bear push things to try to give Ben and Rosie a little break and they had fun with it.

Big sis helping little bro...

No hands!

They really all did surprisingly well.

Here are a few videos to show you how they did out there, hah!

 This one is funny:

Ben skating: 

The kids had a great time. The vibe in Colonial Williamsburg is just so lovely. I could see coming to sit with friends on a bench and just people watch in the future like these ladies:

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

That's really amazing that you could send the kids out without either of you on the ice. Awesome skating E, J, B and R!!!!