
Thursday, January 19, 2023

Polar Plunge and New Years

Happy New Year! I know it is late, but I had to catch up on all the posts from the end of December and Christmas. We started out our New Year's Day in the wee hours of the morning for the first time together - the kids stayed up until midnight. It helped that Ben and Rosie each took 3 hour naps on New Year's Eve.

We had another set of friends there, too, but they left a bit before midnight. I couldn't believe the kids made it. They watched movies while we played games upstairs. It was fun!

The next morning we headed to early church because the kids wanted to do our neighborhood Polar Plunge at noon. They are crazy.

The air temperature wasn't too terrible that day, but the water was freezing. The river had partially frozen the week before with ice floes, but it didn't seem to bother them.

This was Ben's first year plunging. The girls had all done it last year. Brrr! But Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Brrr!!! Happy New Year! I am surprised the kids all made it to midnight:)