
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Back to school 2023-2024

This year marks a BIG change! All four of the kids are headed off to school this fall. It will be the one year they are all together in the same school, and then first time in ten years that I don't have kids at home during the day. It is going to be a big adjustment for everyone, but mostly for Ben, Rosie, and me. We are praying for a good year this year for everyone.

We had Kindergarten orientation and open house/meet your teacher night late last week. Ben and Rosie got to meet their teacher, bring in school supplies, tour the school, and do a trial run on the bus!

Then on Monday, the kids officially started school...

Our 5th grader...Eleanor is excited about starting flute, changing classes, and being the oldest at the school.

Our 3rd grader...Jane is excited about having a couple friends in her class, an energetic and positive teacher, and hopefully getting to participate in some clubs this year.

Our first Kindergartner...Ben is excited about going to school, making new friends, and riding the bus.

And our second Kindergartner...Rosie is excited that she will be at school with her sisters, recess (especially the monkey bars), and that Ben will be in her class.

First year of school for these two!!

I love this crew!!

Ben's first day of school dance...can you tell he is excited? Let's just hope that excitement continues past the first day and week...

And finally, the walk home from the bus stop on the first favorite comment was Rosie..."it was super great!"

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
2 Corinthians 9:8

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

It's such a big year for everyone. I hope they all love their teachers and I hope you get a few hours of "me" time! Great pictures!!!