
Monday, August 28, 2023

Eleanor gets her ears pierced!

Eleanor has been wanting to get her ears pierced for years (as have her sisters), and we told her when she turned 10 she could. In Chris' family it was a tradition for their grandma to take the girls to get their ears pierced at that age, and Gaby wanted to continue the tradition, so she came down and we did it!

Eleanor was a little nervous but she did great!

Eleanor with pierced ears!

We planned to go with Hannah, too, who got her ears pierced as well! It was a fun thing for them to do together!

When we got back home, we did some cupcakes with the siblings to celebrate.

Big changes afoot for these 10 year olds! 


Dorothy said...

They look so nice! Congratulations Eleanor!

Patty said...

It was such an honor to carry on my mom's tradition! I'm so thankful I could be there that day and she looks so beautiful!!