
Monday, August 7, 2023


We had a super fun swim season...and now it's over! I can't believe it! Here are some random fun pictures.

Huddle before Summer Awards...

Champs meet!

Warming up after practice...

Killing time at clerk of course...

Friends celebrating a new champs cut together...

Swim buddies...

Ben won his heat and got a special ribbon.

Uncle Rob and Auntie Mollie made it to a meet.

Summer Awards Crew:

The Summer Awards relay teams, Ben was 8 & under boys relay "C", Jane and Rosie were 8 & under girls relay "A" (Rosie jumped in for another kid who couldn't swim much to Jane's chagrin because the other girl was faster and Jane wanted to win. The relay DQed anyway because swimmer 3 jumped off the blocks too early, which ironically happened to Eleanor last year at summer awards, too), and Eleanor was 9/10 girls relay "A":

Rosie with a dance break...

Our end of year banquet was the Monday after Champs.

6 & under girls:

6 & under boys:

7/8 girls:

9/10 girls:

Eleanor and one of her favorite coaches, Holly:

Rosie got Most Improved for 6 & under girls:

Eleanor got the Coaches Award for 9/10 girls:

Summer swim is time consuming but such an amazing experience. The kids get stronger and faster every year, they make amazing friends and enjoy the community, and get such great exercise to start their days. We can't wait for next season to come around!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

It's such a wonderful season that they really love!!! The effort they all make is amazing. It is fun to see them excel!