
Monday, September 18, 2023

Jane's birthday

Jane is officially 8! Here is my last picture with my 7 year old before she went to bed and aged overnight...

I worked on her Star Wars-themed cake the night before her birthday...strawberry cake with chocolate icing.

She was very excited when she woke up 8 years old! We did her birthday string and she opened gifts.

She had some birthday braids put in...

And then off she went to Chick-fil-A and Kidsburg with Chris before school!

I went to visit her at lunch...

And then after school it was time for her party. We did pizza and The Return of the Jedi with several of her friends.

We crafted...painted rocks, light saber bookmarks, and origami yodas.

Then it was time for cake!

Overall this 8 year old had a great birthday! We love you sweet Janer!


The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Her party looks incredible! And love how happy she is!

Dorothy said...

What a cute party and cake! I had not idea she was a Star Wars fan! Happy birthday sweet Jane!