
Friday, September 15, 2023

Jane is 8!

Jane is EIGHT years old! She is 53 inches tall (79% of the way to my adult height) and weighs 61 pounds. In some ways, she has seemed eight forever, often playing with kids older than her and matching them in confidence and ability. She makes friends everywhere she goes and is quite the social butterfly. She seems to always prefer being around others rather than playing by herself. She is very bright and in the gifted program at school, and this year seems to love her teacher. She continues to have empathy and generosity coming out of her ears and is quick to tell someone "it's okay!" if they make a mistake or throw out an unexpectedly kind compliment. She continues to enjoy crafting and all sports - currently calling lacrosse her favorite. She's been reading a lot more this year, finally picking up books for fun. She continues to love to sing, dance unabashedly, and has developed a stronger relationship with her younger siblings as her older sister moves into the tween stage. We love our sweet Janer and love seeing how she grows up a bit each year but stays true to her nature.

Eleanor and Jane at eight years old.

Jane at onetwothreefourfive, sixseveneightnineteneleventwelvefifteen, and eighteen months old. 

Jane at twotwo and a halfthreefourfivesix, and seven years old.

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